Old books revenue can also be a source
Sold out copies can search in the market
You can increase your online reading camp
Our company has the most modern automatic book scanner, which can be used to recreate print-ready material! Reprint? We will return it to you in PDF!
Heritázs is an innovative new service that provides advanced archiving, storage, and content retrieval solutions for publishers, libraries, and archives. The service provider
Tripont has been a well-known name for 25 years in the world of photography and video technology. Our group of companies is motivated by a commitment to culture to archive the values currently only available in their physical realities for posterity.
Why do you choose Heritázs?
Digital Archive System:
- publishing copyright editions
- print on demand option
- display of old printed materials
- repair poor quality pdf
Advantages of the Heritage Digital Archive System:
- full-content search
- parameterizable access
- multi-level authorization management
- copyright management
- fulfill individual requests
- Search metadata
- even insight into a gigapixel
- lightning-fast display
Why do you use Heritázs?
- time-saving
- has an advanced search interface
- lightning-fast image loading
- multifunction preview
- responsive design
- optimized for all devices
- insight in gigapixel size
- metadata editor, import and export
- parameterizable access and multi-level authorization management
Featured user experience
- Featured user experience
- innovative search engine
- high-quality zoom
- High-speed loading of images
- full-screen display
- use your bookmarks and bookshelf
- marking volumes and pages
- create your volume

- content, crop image from all content
- copy text, image
- Generate and download PDF
- live OCR usage
ScanGate® LWF
Uniquely versatile software support to help automate workflows

This version is most similar to the original, which preserves its features.

Best readability for any presentation.

The best quality for printing and reprinting.